Wednesday 25 January 2012

Paraty - Florianopolis



Everything is going good, since I last posted we have been from Paraty down the coast to a small village/town called Trinidade which is just beaches and restaurants. Unfortunately it rained quite a bit while we were there.


After Trinidade we went to Sao Paulo and stayed there for 2 night, it is bloody huge (3rd biggest city in the world). We went around some of the art museums, looked at some Cathedrals but to be honest its like a poor mans London, it was nice but I guess we are a bit spoiled when it comes to that sort of stuff.

Sao Paulo, Cathedral

The best thing we saw in SP was probably a street near to our hostel in Vila Madalena which is reserved for the ¨best¨ graffiti artists in Sao Paulo.

Graffiti, Sao Paulo

From Sp we got an overnight bus down to Florianopolis which is more beaches, surfing etc. We are here for another 2 nights then off to Iguazu Falls!

Cheers Will x

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