Sunday 29 January 2012

Brazil... done.

Hey, we are currently at Foz Iguazu one the Brazilian side of the Iguazu Falls. 

We got the night bus from Florianopolis to Foz Iguazu 2 days ago, Floripa was really nice, just beaches bars and restaurants. In our first day in Foz Iguazu we went to the nightime illumination of the Itaipu Dam (2nd Biggest in the world, Chinese one naturally is biggest) which was impressive. 

Today we went to the Falls which looked incredible, hopefully got some alright photo´s although the lens kept getting misted up from the spray so don´t know. Looking forward to the argentinian side which has lots of bridges right over the falls and right next to the devils throat!

As well as the Falls we went to Parque das Aves (literally Bird  Park) which had all sorts of local species, so I took full advantage... so here you go Mr Beesley I have literally hundreds of photos of birdies for you!!

Our Hostel in Florianopolis

Itaipu Dam illumination

Devils Throat (right hand side)

From walkway out into Iguazu Falls


Golden something or other

Different Toucan


Mitch's new pal

So that is Brazil done for us. Argentina now, hopefully be a bit cheaper!

Cheers Will x

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