Been pretty busy last few days, done a fair bit of travelling and been to see some "sites" instead of more beaches. We crossed over to the Argentinian side of the falls, staying in Puerto Iguazu for 2 nights and spending a whole day looking around the Argentinian side which was really inpressive particularly where you are able to stand right above the "Devils Throat". It was also a lot less busy than the Brazilian side which was an added bonus.
Next to the Devils Throat
Devils Throat
In the evening after getting back from the falls, we got asked to play 5 a-side football with one of the hostels workers and his friends. Was about 8pm but still 30+ degrees and 90-100% humidity so a good workout!
San Ignacio Ruins
After Iguazu we got a bus to San Ignacio (about 5 hrs) where there are ruins of a Jesuit Mision, was pretty good but still really hot. From there we moved on to Posadas where we crossed into Paraguay breifly (in and out same day) to go see some more of the Jesuit ruins and then got a long but very comfortable bus down from Posadas to Rosario, Argentina´s 2nd/3rd biggest city.
Trinidad Ruins (Paraquay)
Spent 3 nights in Rosario looking around, and met some local for a game of ultimate frisby, which was weird but good fun.
National Flag Monument, Rosario at night. (Was also a Falklands War memorial but we decided against a picture with that)
From Rosario we moved down to Buenos Aires where we arrived 2 days ago, there is loads to do se so we´ve been to some galleries seen the parlimentary buildings and the cemetary where all the old military leaders, social elite, ex presidents etc are buried. There was also a load of protestors outside the Pink House (Kind of like there White House) protesting about the Falklands, so we are from either Australia or New Zealand when the need arises.
La Recoleta Cemetry, Buenos Aires
The Pink House, Buenos Aires
We are staying here till after the weekend then going down to Puerto Madryn which will be a lot quieter and more walking scenery etc, which I can´t wait for.
Oh and here is another birdie for you Mr Beesley
Hope your all good, Cheers x